I find the voicemail prompts way to fast, you need to slow down the playback of menu options even if it’s only a half second between options, as it currently is a demo to a new customer will not be well received.
Can you please share an example? Thanks
Log in to your mailbox and hit 0 for options, it’s noticeably faster than before, even the first menu is fast. Maybe I’m being to picky.
Maybe because of the missing Silence Audio Folder?
I take it this will be fixed in the next update. Or is this something I should fix.
Thanks, for the info.
Tested on new installation. All voice IVRs are quite fast like *70, *72 or others.
Yes, this could be due to missing silence audo.
Hemant J.
Upgraded to 4.5.0-2 this did not solve issue with prompts, did the missing silence folder not get corrected with this update.
This is not production ready with the voicemail prompts sounding like they do.
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This has been addressed in the latest update of VitalPBX 4.5