SMS/MMS in VitXiWebRTC and Mobile apps

There is actually a way to get the extension number based on DID but it’s a really long database query, see below.

mysql -u root -D ombutel -s -N -e "select ext.extension from ombu_extensions ext left join ombu_destinations dest on (dest.index = ext.extension_id) left join ombu_inbound_routes ir on (ir.destination_id = left join ombu_destinations_category destcrid on ( = dest.category_id) left join ombu_modules module on (destcrid.module_id = module.module_id ) where ir.did = '${var_containing_did}' and = 'extensions';"

I have not tested this from within a dialplan, so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to use root or you’ll have to create a new user and password with access to the ombutel database.


I’m sure there is a solution. May need to be patient.

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user vitalpbx and password vitalpbx might work.
Default. No need to create.

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Still wishing for supported SMS/MMS


Wondering when SMS support will be released? This is a key requirement for us as well. Will V4 include SMS support?

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We are currently working on it. At the moment, it is not available for VitalPBX 3 or VitalPBX 4.

Best Regards and Happy New Year!

Is there any timeline for this? I think this is a very requested feature and I think this would make VitalPBX even more attractive.

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