Help with IPphone Templates

Hello everyone, I need your collaboration with this topic. I have an installation with several GrandStream model GRP2602P phones; VitalPBX has a GRP2602 template but it does not work with the phone I have.
Checking I see that the template that is in Vital is for the firmware version being that the version that is installed on the phones is where all the Parameters are configured in relation to PXXXX data fields where XXXX is the number defined for each configuration parameter. Something very different from what you have in VitalPBX where there is no reference to the PXXXX fields.
I am attaching an example of the configuration file that was downloaded from the Grandstream website for the new firmware version for reference.
Can anyone help me prepare the new template file and upload it to VitalPBX?
grp260x_config_1.0.5.65.txt (293.4 KB)

Our dev team will check it!

Thks Miguel, I’ll be waiting for your answer.


Hello, there’s any news about this subject?


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