WebRTC SMS does not lookup name from phone book(s)

If I add a contact to an external phone book (maybe internal too … didn’t test) and use that contact to sms out. It always shows the number with no “matched” name.

If I RX a SMS from a known number (in an ext address book), it does not show the name … only the number.

It would be acceptable at least as a first step to select a single external phone book to match names.


Could you please share screenshots to understand better the issue you’re having,


I need to switch to a ticket as I don’t want to advertise the numbers but:
Using WebRTC:
If in my external phone book (that has a SMS option for entries), I select the SMS icon and send a SMS, it sends to that entry but does not associate the name with that entry. If I then receive a text from the entry I sent to, I receive the SMS but it shows only the number and not the name.

Any update on this issue?
Should I open a ticket?

More Info:

The WebRTC SMS from external numbers shows a +1 then the number.
The SMS->Messaging Logs does NOT show the +1

We would really like to add our client list to a Phonebook so that we can open the phone book, select SMS icon, send from WebRTC and have both the send and response in the same thread with the number and name. Currently, if we send to the cell number, it sends but the response comes back to +1 thenumber … in a different thread.