Wait 1 second on all inbound calls?

Using Commio for inbound trunk and inbound calls are getting the first portion of the audio clipped off, presumably while the RTP stream is established. The system would benefit from waiting 1 second before answering. Is there any simple way to do this?

A workaround could be downaloding an MP3 audio with one second of silence and then redirecting the call to the actual destination.

There are already silence files included with the Asterisk sounds library. They are located at /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/silence/. The file 9.ulaw is one second of silence and already exists on my system. Not sure about other languages besides US English.

Another solution would be to turn on fax detection on the inbound route. With that, the call is answered but it waits a bit longer than one second to see if it heres a fax tone.