An employee left the company and I assigned his extension (with VitXi) to another employee. The previous employee’s call history became available to the new employee! Of course I don’t want that to happen.
What can I do?
An employee left the company and I assigned his extension (with VitXi) to another employee. The previous employee’s call history became available to the new employee! Of course I don’t want that to happen.
What can I do?
The call history is most likely just being obtained from the CDR of the PBX directly, in order to clear it you would have to delete the calls from and to the extension you want from the cdr table, in order to remove any call history in vitxi to not show anything.
I’m still confused,
how do i delete the cdr, do i need mysql access?. because if i just delete the extension, then add the same extension, the call history still shows up in WebRTC.
The CDR are the call records of the system. If you delete an extension it wont delete anything related to the cdr as the cdr is a historic record of the calls already made in the system.
In order to to delete call records from the CDR you will have to do it directly in the mysql console, so you will need cli access to the server.
# From the linux CLI log into the mysql console and use the asterisk db , by default it will try to login as the root user
server:~ mysql asterisk
# Query the records for the extension you want. Change EXTENSION to the actual extension you are looking for. It will list all all made by the extension and to the extension.
MariaDB [asterisk]> SELECT calldate,clid,dst,duration,calltype,disposition FROM cdr WHERE src={EXTENSION} OR dst={EXTENSION} ORDER BY calldate DESC;
# If you want to remove the entries, you would do, take note that depending on the amount of records and your server resources, the deletion will cause an increase of load in your server.
MariaDB [asterisk]> DELETE FROM cdr WHERE src={EXTENSION} or dst={EXTENSION};
# **If you want to me extra cautious before confirming the deletion**
MariaDB [asterisk]> BEGIN TRANSACTION; # Start your transaction
MariaDB [asterisk]> DELETE FROM cdr WHERE src={EXTENSION} or dst={EXTENSION}; # This wont actually delete the records until the transaction is committed.
MariaDB [asterisk]> SELECT calldate,clid,dst,duration,calltype,disposition FROM cdr WHERE src={EXTENSION} OR dst={EXTENSION} ORDER BY calldate DESC; # Query the records to confirm the wants you wanted were removed. Query anything else you need in order to check what you deleted previously is correct.
MariaDB [asterisk]> COMMIT; # Commit the transaction if everything is OK
MariaDB [asterisk]> ROLLBACK; # If something went wrong rollback and no change will be made to actual data
One idea for these cases is to retrieve the CDR data based on the date the VitXi user was created. This way, only data from the date the VitXi user was created onwards will be displayed.
Agreed, something needs to be done so records can be cleared from view.