VitXi v4.0.2-2: Improved Performance and Connectivity Upgrades

We are excited to announce the new version of VitXi, which brings various fixes and improvements. One important change is that VitXi now requires port 6001 to be open and available. This update was necessary because the previous setup with a reverse proxy using Apache was not optimized for handling multiple simultaneous connections. By directly connecting to the VitXi service through port 6001, we ensure better performance and reliability.

In the future, we are considering adding the ability to configure the port to offer more flexibility during setup.

To ensure a smooth experience, please update your VitalPBX 4 version to enable the required port for VitXi. Alternatively, you can manually enable the port in Firewall > Services | Firewall > Rules.

If you have any other active firewall in your network, please remember to allow traffic through port 6001.

If you experience any connectivity issues after following these steps, please run the command “php artisan websockets:ssl-config” in the “/usr/share/vitxi/backend” directory.

To learn more about the complete list of changes and updates in this version, please visit our official changelog

Thank you for your support and for reporting any issues. We are committed to continuously improving the project.

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