VitXi - Log off Queues


In our company, we use a site with several phone number’s formated with the tel protocol.
The problem is when we click on a number it opens VitXi as suposed but it logs out of the queues. It appears an pop-up question saying if you want to logoff the app but even if you cancel, it log out the queues. But the phone number is transfer to VitXi and we can make the call.

Can you help?

Thanks in advance,
João Valente

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Hello, sir.

Thank you for reporting this issue,

We will test to fix it,


It looks to me that the issue is as follows. When you click on the tel:+18884441234 link, it launches a new instance of VitXi, therefore, probably killing the old session, and when the session is killed, it kicks the agents from the queues.


Any news regarding this issue?

João Valente

Hello, sir!

Recently, Chrome and Edge released a new version that addresses this issue.

We are currently working on implementing the necessary configurations, and we expect to release the new version within a few days.

Best regards!


Thats great news.
Thank you for your work.

João Valente

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Regarding this situation.
We already update VitalPBX and VitXi to the last versions but the problem still happens.
When “clicking” in a phone number formated with Tel protocol, VitXi logs out of the queues.


João Valente

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Currently, when you click on the “tel” protocol, the browsers reload the application, which results in logging out of the queues. This behavior may be caused by enabling the “Exit queues when closing the application” option.

In the latest versions of Chrome and Edge, the application window is no longer duplicated, but the window/application is reloaded.

This behavior is determined by the browsers themselves. It is possible that there will be an update in the upcoming months that improves this behavior.
