Vitxi custom https port

Hi VitalPBX Team,

Saw this new updates for VITXI. What do you mean by “Handle custom HTTPS Port”?
Is it possible to use different port for VITXI HTTPS access?

What I want to achieve is the VITALPBX administration will use 443 and VITXI will use different port like 5291?

Thank you,

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https port works on 443, so now we can change https port.
One need to first update the port under HTTP server and then same port under webrtc PBX settings.
Check below screenshot examples


after doing this the PBX url will changed -
https://pbxdomain:customeport ( example )

Also, I think it’s not possible to have different ports for Admin and users or WebRTC

Hemant Joshi


This is great! Thanks for your help. @TELECOMIN

Hopefully soon VitalPBX team will consider to apply 2FA in VITXI login as additional security measure because nowadays most of our users are working from home.

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Request it under Wish List

I really hope they will allow using a single set of credenza for all portals… (SSO?)