VitalPBX4 - Sonata Stats - Agente Sync

I have both systems on 4.0.0 R7 on both I have install Sonata Suits. On both I try to sync agents in one i don’t have any trouble in the other one I’m getting.

Another think that I notice in the system that I’m having trouble when I login I get the loading message and remains there after waiting I have to do a refresh (F5) and the I can get into the stats suite. I also have installed switchboard suite on the same system that I having trouble but no issues.

Is there is any log that I can check to see what could be happening?

Could you please look for a log file with the most recent date on this location /usr/share/sonata/queues-stats/backend/storage/logs, if you see the file please share it for analysis

I found it here.
stats-www-data-2022-12-01.txt (190.8 KB) (2.1 MB)


Wondering if you have the chance to check the logs?

execute the following command from this location /usr/share/sonata/queues-stats/backend

php artisan config:cache

also check if the timezone is set on the secondary tenant

I have ran the commmand php artisan config:cache on the location /usr/share/sonata/queues-stats/backend

Also, I have the time zone:
Sonata Stats
–>Report Settings
– Timezone : America/Costa_Rica

– System Settings/System Misc
– Timezone : America/Costa_Rica

– Technology Settings/PJSIP Settings
– Time Zone : (us) United States/North America

But same result, when I log in keep seeing the loading page, and I have to press F5 to refresh and get to the Stats Dashboard but keep getting the server error message.

When mention the timezone on the secondary tenant, where can I check that?

We’ll proceed to test the issue, I’ll reply back as soon as possible

Ok , thanks

Just to update the location


Try updating using the Command Line:

apt clean all
apt update
apt upgrade -y

After doing that I got this

==> El distribuidor del paquete ha publicado una versión actualizada.
¿Qué quisiera hacer al respecto? Sus opciones son:
Y o I : instalar la versión del desarrollador del paquete
N o O : conservar la versión que tiene instalada actualmente
D : mostrar las diferencias entre versiones
Z : ejecutar un intérprete de órdenes para examinar la situación
La acción por omisión es conservar la versión actual.
*** .env (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [por omisión=N] ? Y
Instalando una nueva versión del fichero de configuración /usr/share/queues-stats/backend/.env …

INFO Application cache cleared successfully.

INFO Caching the framework bootstrap files.

config … 34ms DONE
routes … 42ms DONE

In Connection.php line 759:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘stats’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = sonat
a_stats and table_name = migrations and table_type = ‘BASE TABLE’)

In Exception.php line 18:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘stats’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)

In PDOConnection.php line 40:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘stats’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)

dpkg: error al procesar el paquete sonata-stats (–configure):
el subproceso instalado paquete sonata-stats script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

When I open the sonata stats I had to cofigured again the db, user just that I did not let me. I uninstall the add-on installed again (4.0.0-2) but at the end same result.

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