Vitalpbx mobile 1.2.1 QR code not working for huawei P40 Pro

Vitalpbx mobile 1.2.1 QR code not working for huawei P40 Pro. its cannot identify. is this only for me or others working fine.

Please check this. it never working so that its not registering at all. i dont know why you are not giving option to enter manual entry option. is there any particular reason.

even though im now testing vital pbx, there are certain situaiton where people not allowed to use mobile camera. in that scenario how your system will work. in that case i can never suggest vitalpbx for such implementation.

If the VitalPBX Mobile doesn’t fit your needs, I recommend you use third-party options. Remember the VitalPBX at the end is an Asterisk System, which is compatible with any SIP Desktop or Mobile phone.

with other softphones i cannot hear ringtone when im calling outgoing PSTN calls. i tried that. but with vitalpbx i can listen ringtone.

thats why i need my huawei p40 pro to use vitalpbx mobile instead other third party clients.