VItal 4.0.3-5 HA retuen code 2

I have running a HA VitalPBX 4.0.3-5 . We did not have any problema running the script to create the HA, but since a couple of days I have being geting a message when login thru ssh

run-parts: /ec/update-moto.d/20-vitalpbx exited with return code 2

Also, usually when we login we get a “logo” that VITALPBX, if the node is master or slave., version, etc…etc. we don’t get that.

Any recomendations?

Do you experience the same when logging in with the root user?

It could be a permissions problem. Try the following:
chmod 755 /etc/update-motd.d/20-vitalpbx

The clinet could not test it with root but we did run the command

chmod 755 /etc/update-motd.d/20-vitalpbx

Today client will report if they see that message again
