Use Different HTTPS port but Vitxi Welcome Email didn't update

Hi Guys,

Recently, we purchased VitalPBX One license.

Anyone here knows how to update and edit the welcome email settings for Vitxi?

The reset password link is not working because the link doesn’t have port since we used custom one.
Also, is there a way to change some part of the email message to our own brand?
We really want to change those BOXES part of the email (see attached image)

Thank you,

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I am not sure if webrtc uses these templates but you can check if making changes to the extension welcome email template will make a difference.

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We will fix it in the next version, we will also be working on adding a module to edit the welcome email content,


Hi @maynor that is a great update. Thank you.

Another concern,

The user can click unlimited times the Reset Password button and system will send a lot of reset password email. It can be considered as DOS attack?

Also, the token for reset password is not expiring. The user can use the reset password link sent in email even in other day or in the future.

Is there a way to add some security on that please, like having a 2 minutes gap before the user can click again the request reset password button. And the reset password token link should be expired in just a few minutes and can only be used once.

Hoping that you can consider my request as this is really needed as additional security since most users nowadays are working from home and the servers is open to public.