When trying to compile asterisk chan_dongle module to asterisk
Command ‘module load chan_dongle.so’ failed.
[2024-11-07 10:50:51] ERROR[30977]: loader.c:283 module_load_error: Module ‘chan_dongle.so’ was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
[2024-11-07 10:50:51] ERROR[30977]: loader.c:283 module_load_error: Module ‘chan_dongle.so’ will not be initialized as it may cause instability.
[2024-11-07 10:50:51] ERROR[30977]: loader.c:283 module_load_error: Module ‘chan_dongle.so’ could not be loaded.
the module is working perfect in v3 ! any help