Sonata stats wrong start_time

Hi Vitalpbx Team,

Why is the start time not correct?

At 12:34 I have logged out of vitxi webrtc page then login then “login to queue”

It should be next record “start_time” > 12:34 but it appears at 12:30

Is this a bug?


Hi Vitalpbx,

Any update about start_hour?



We’ll proceed to do some tests and let you know what we find, also make sure you have set the report settings

Do you see the same result on any of the other session reports?

Hi Sir,

Yes I found also on other extensions

This only happens on Sep 26, 2022

Meanwhile, if I try today it runs normally.


please execute the following commands and share the results for analysis

  • mysql
  • use asterisk;
  • select * from queues_log where event = ‘ADDMEMBER’ and time between ‘2022-09-26 00:00:00’ and ‘2022-09-26 23:59:59’ order by time desc;

Hi Sir @Roger

This is the result query


In the current implementation the records are ordered by agent and queue not by time, times are corret according to that data

Hi Sir,

May be easy to see report if you sort by agent, queue and time.


Thank you for the suggestion we’ll consider adding filters for ordering results for a future update

Thanks @Roger & All vitalpbx team.