Sonata Stats v3 to v4


We created a new v4 and created all the connections for all add-ons.

We imported a backup file from a v3 server, it seems like everything went fine other then it complained about artisan permission issue for Stats.

I tried logging in to stats, but it gave me errors, so I resinatalled stats, removed the wizard and ran the below:

root@pbx1:/usr/share/queues-stats/backend# php artisan config:cache

   INFO  Configuration cached successfully.

Now, when I am trying to setup the wizard again, it cannot connect to the database.

What am I missing?


Did you install and complete the Stats wizard before importing the backup?

Yes, but because of the errors after the backup import I had to delete the wizard.

We had to run

php artisan migrate

Now we can access the GUI.

However, whenever we try to send a report via email, we need to restart the service for the email to be sent.

We confirmed that we can send emails by using the test email option under the email settings.