Restore Initial installation


We need to Restore the Initial installation of Vital PBX, but we don´t have the first bkp.

Is there another way to restore the Vital PBX to initial after installation,without a bkp ?

System Information:

|Distro| Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)|
|PBX Engine|18.23.1|
|PHP Version|8.1.11|


  1. Drop the Asterisk and Ombutel database
mysql -uroot -e"drop database asterisk"
mysql -uroot -e"drop database ombutel"
  1. Recreate the database by using the command line
vitalpbx build-db
vitalpbx fully-gen-conf
  1. Go to the GUI and set up the user name and password.
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Hi Miguel

Tks for reply me.


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