Report Scheduler doesn't work


I had configured the email settings in the Sonata Suite Stats and the mail test works whithout problems:

Email test:


This is the Scheduler to sent to us when have any event but doesn’t work:

This is the event ocurred:

This is our configuration:

with the agent in the selection:

What happens if you run it manually, does it send an email?

Did you check your mail logs?

Doesn’t send anything even after said yes:

I have a firewall in front of VitalPBX, and just see log’s in firewall when make this test:

My mail server are ready to send mails with attachements and from this source.

Mail logs.


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Is there any possible to create the file log again?

I try to open the file with the date of today, but is huge, 1.42Gb.

I removed the file and try to send another mails test but the file are not created :sweat_smile:

Create a new file and give it the appropriate permissions.

Make sure your logrotate is properly configured.

Also, you can watch a log file by running, very helpful for large files:

tail -f /path/to/file

And reproduce the issue

After reboot my VirtualPBX, I received all emails that I had tested and new emails after reboot.
Thanks for your quick support. @PitzKey

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