Reload pending changes with command


Using multi-tenant module, we will certainly have customers which will create users and so on. However, the reload button on the top right can be confusing for the customer.

Is there a way, using a linux command or whatever to apply those pending changes somehow ?


root@pbx2:~# vitalpbx help gen-conf

      It generate the Asterisk cnfigurations and re-build Asterisk DB for the main tenant only

root@pbx2:~# vitalpbx help fully-gen-conf

      It generates the Asteirsk configurations and re-build Asterisk DB for all the tenants

Thanks! However, even after doing those commands, the “reload” button is still showing up on the GUI, can the user dismiss this and the settings are still saved ?

IIRC, you can remove that reload button from the user profile.

If you ran the command, then there’s no need to reload.

Unfortunately, I’m not finding this option anywhere.

Thanks for your help though, will certainly setup some cronjob.

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