In the 4.0.0 R8 update it is written: “Now, the callers’ position is preserved for the queue callback.”
But what actually happens
Whoever enters the callback queue last gets a call first
while the first in line gets a call back last
How can the order be reversed?
Tzaharayim Tovim Achi,
While you have more than one caller that is scheduled for a callback can you please post the output of:
mysql -e "select * from ombutel.ombu_scheduled_queue_callbacks"
Do you mind reposting the sql output with a wider screen and with the column headers?
According to this screenshot, the timing aligns just well… But I have no clue what this timing is for. Seeing the column name would help clarify this.
The lines folding over makes it very hard to read.
Can you perhaps try sharing the text via
Unfortunately I cannot share the text via
I will try to upload a clearer picture
According to the log it looks normal
But as I sent the picture of the switchboard
shows that the order is exactly reversed
And so it actually happens
Whoever calls last gets a call back first
And whoever calls first gets a call back last
It looks to me like in the switchboard it is good as well. Looks like 203 was the first to request a callback.
True 203 is the first to request a call back
But in practice he gets the call last
I continued to do tests
If I send the call to the same queue that he “left”, the return order is correct
But if I return the call to a designated queue, the order is reversed