PJSIP Trunk Getting Rejected

Good afternoon community,

I am trying to register a SIP TRUNK with PJSIP Protocol.

I have doubled checked my credentials and seeing everything being fine.

I try them in different asterisk boxes and they register fine.

For the life of me i can’t seem to get it to register here.

Am i missing something simple?

What is the correct way to troubleshoot this? pjsip set logger on?

Thank you

You will have to share a SIP trace.

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Bump, anybody?

From the trace i am seeing an Invalid User as 403 forbidden but my credentials are not wrong

Am i inserting them in the wrong fields?

My username is my phone number
Plus i have the AUTH USERNAME which is my phonenumber@ims.otenet.gr

Thank you

It looks like the username is wrong. Do you have documentation for their Trunk requirements?

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No not really never needed to seek as in
Other pbxs i register fine as

auth username:+30xxxxxx96@ims.otenet.gr
Outbound registration send
Identify by auth username
Contact User:+30xxxxxx96

Sorry i cant be more helpful in my info

Seems that after removing the + from infront of 30 i get contact in the pjsip endpoints reports showing a green dot before i dont get this but still get rejected, provider requires the +30 otherwise it won’t work, anyway to trick it?

Prepend it in the outbound route.

But i am not even registered, my issue is not outbound callsi cant register the trunk

By removing the +from the username field i had a green contact but rejected registration still

Please share a new trace

I managed to sort it out, turns out vitalpbx was doubling the contacts field with two times the @ims.otenet.gr because the username necesarry had to have @ims.otenet.gr at the end, so i played it clever and had to manually add single entries on the Contacts Tab to return it to one time @ims.otenet.gr while keeping username with @ims.otenet.gr at the end of it.

Works ok now.

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