PEM routines-get_name-no start line after migrate to V4


I have configured an ITSP secure SIP trunk in v3 (3.2.5-5). The trunk was able to established and reachable. It is using the ITSP’s intermediate cert. When I configured the same in v4 (4.1.0-6), the trunk is unreachable with the following error in full log:

[2024-07-23 09:05:33] WARNING[1253] pjproject: SSL STATUS_FROM_SSL_ERR (status): Level: 0 err: <151584876> len: 0 peer: ITSP IP:port
[2024-07-23 09:05:33] ERROR[1253] pjproject: ssl0x55a5c0ae0f00 Error adding private key from ‘/usr/share/vitalpbx/certificates/ITSP fqdn.key’: no start line

The intermediate key by the ITSP is the same in both v3 and v4. I have also checked the v3 and v4 .key file, both has the same size. The only different is the ‘group owner’ is www-data (v4) and apache (v3).

Basically I have created a custom certificates in the VitalPBX and copy the ITSP’s intermediate key into the “Chain” text box. After that, create PJSIP Transport and Device Profiles with the ITSP cert. In the Trunks, i have assign the newly created PJSIP Transport and Device Profiles. That’s all.

Appreciate your advice on this.


My bad.

It is my wrong understanding on the CA trusted cert insertion. The VitalPBX certificates page is to insert the actual cert and not the trusted CA cert.

Please ignore this post.