Multiple DID numbers on single PJSIP Trunk registration

Hi All,

We have multiple tenants all using the same SIP trunk provider, with one SIP registration per tenant.

Some tenants have multiple DID numbers, needing different inbound routes.

How can I Match/Identify the To: sip:XXXXXXXXXXX@IP.ADDRESS:5060 field to route the DID numbers without impacting other tenants.

Matching on the SIP provider domain name is not specific enough.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


For DID routing to tenant, you can specify the DID /or DIDs under “CALLS & SMS Setting” for specific Tenant.

Now inside tenant you can set-up inbound route for that DID / Different DIDs.

Hi Telecomin,

Thank you for the detailed reply, I have added the DIDs in the tenant under “CALLS & SMS” and had already made the inbound route in the tenant. Unfortunately, I still receive busy tone when calling in on the additional DIDs.

This tenant does have it’s own trunk registered, do the “CALLS & SMS” settings rely on the MAIN tenant trunk having these DID numbers?

Many Thanks.


If DIDs are associated with an account which needs registration for authentication, then in that case you need to have that account register under Trunk for DID/ DIDs to get authenticate.

And once the DID/ DIDs are authenticated you should get incoming on Tenant. For outgoing you may use separate main trunk for call termination.


Here is an example of our setup:
Main Tenant has Trunk Registered and has DID numbers
DID1 11112222
DID2 11112223
DID3 11112224

Tenant 2 has it’s own Trunk Registered with it’s own DID numbers
DID1 22223333
DID2 22223334
DID3 22223335

Both tenants trunks are registered to the same provider.

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