Multi Tenant Question

Ok. I’ve searched, and got a few related and unrelated answers. I just want to sanity check what I think I can do.

I have 12 clients using VoIP with me at the moment. Current not on VitalPBX, but looking to switch them over soon.
I 100% use DIDWW trunks. I don’t allow clients to use their own.

So. Is this how I think it works?

MainAdmin - Set up 1 x “Master” trunk to DIDWW
Tenant1 - Can use MASTER trunk? And use Tenant1-OutboundProfile with Outbound CID.
Tenant2 - Can use MASTER trunk? And use Tenant2-OutboundProfile with Outbound CID.

If the above is correct, how do I set this up? No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get the Tenants to see the “MASTER” trunk.

Each Tenant needs its own Inbound Route?

The Wiki has it pretty good documented.

On the main Tenant set up:

  • The Master Trunk
  • An Outbound Route
  • Map all DIDs under DID Mgmt or under the Tenant Routing section (for each tenant).
  • Also add there the outbound route and Trunk

On the Tenant Side set up:

  • A Tenant Trunk
  • Inbound Outbound Routes

That’s it