Multi Tenant - calls between tenants doesn't work

This indicates that your routes are misconfigured, which, from what it looks like, you configured an any match pattern on your Tenant’s outbound route, so any non existent extension will try to route through that route which will eventually end up to the main tenant as that’s used for the primary routing point.

No where does it say that you can do that. A quick inquiry with the sales team prior to purchasing would also confirm that.

It can, but just because it can doesn’t mean it should!

Again, if you allow calling between tenants you defeat the purpose of isolation and segregation.

If you map the extension ranges as DIDs, yes it should work.

Route from Main Tenant to Tenant B

OubToub route from Tenant B

What are you trying to show here?

The routes between the Main Tenant and Tenant B are ok and should work

The main tenant cannot be treated as a tenant.

I thought tenant to tenant dialing was supported. There was a thread on it which appears to be from the CEO at VitalPBX. How to dial extensions internally between the tenants? and a video explaining how to set this up: Does VitalPBX offer a Multi-Tenant Solution?
So, is tenant to tenant dialing by extension supported? I am confused by your response “No where does it say that you can do that. A quick inquiry with the sales team prior to purchasing would also confirm that.” When indeed the above two links appear to state that you can. Please advise.

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Tenant to tenant calls cannot be done without creating a route between the two, as mentioned above.

Ok, that is what we thought and is understood. However, the problem appears to be in the “how to” do this… we followed the instructions in the documentation and links shown above and it appears @jppedrosa has also BUT tenant to tenant is not working for him and is not working for us. We are both seeing very similar issues. Hence, why I replied to this thread. Is there any more detailed documentation or videos on how to setup tenant to tenant extension dialing? We both seem to have routes between the two tenants but calls are NOT getting routed. So what are we missing?

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Could you please provide an example of configuration of routes betewen Main tenant ant other tenant like @John said?

Or you advise to create all departments inside tenants and Main Tenant doen’st have any extension?

Treat the main tenant as a “router” without any extensions.
As mentioned, send calls from one tenant to another, but NOT the main tenant and if it’s not working please share the config

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Yes, that did the trick. Thank-you. We removed any and all routes from the main tenant and just kept the routes from tenant to tenant using the appropriate prefixes and all is working fine now between tenants. Much appreciated!

Is there any way to export and import all the configurations, extensions and addons like VitXi from Main Tenant to the new Tenant that will be replace the Main Tenant?

At the moment we have nearly 80 extensions in VitXi and 100 without VitXi.

How about exporting and importing queues, recordings, and some other configurations from Main Tenant to the new tenant that will receive all these configurations? Is there any option to export and import all this from one shot?

Not that I’m aware of

When we opened a Tenant for where we want to import extension from the Main tenant, we didn’t have this option:

Just Speed Dialing.

We have more than 100 extensions to import. Could you please provide another option?

VitalPBX Carrier Plus 3.2.3-8
Asterisk 18.12.1-1

Make sure you give the tenant admin profile access to that section.

yes I did

I can’t find any more detail about this in the documentation:

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We have some options in IVRs that redirect to numbers or queues to others tenants. Is the correct way to configure the main IVR in the Main Tenant and forward it to the other tenants?