Modify inbound caller number to international format (E.164)

Hello everyone,

I am hoping someone can help me with a method of prepending a country code to callers number from specific trunks as I have 3 different trunks.

So I currently get caller ID as “01xxx xxxxxx” and I need it to be “441xxx xxxxxx” where 44 is United Kingdom and the 0 is dropped, as per E.164 standards.

The reason for this is all my address books are international format and also my outbound route rules work based on 3 different country specific trunks.

Thanks for help in advance.



You may use CLI modifier module. I think that should work.

To Remove Zero, i.e. skip 1 length, Add 44 in Prepend to add 44 in the DID.
Enter the Original DID. Save the Rule.

Now, apply it under Inbound rule.

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