Missing Queue-Specific AMI Events in VitalPBX

We are encountering an issue with the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) in VitalPBX. Specifically, we are not receiving queue-related events such as:

  • QueueCallerJoin
  • QueueCallerLeave
  • QueueMemberStatus
  • CompleteAgent
  • CompleteCaller

Even though calls are being placed into and answered from the queue, no relevant events are triggered. Here’s what we’ve done so far to diagnose the problem:

Steps Taken to Troubleshoot:

  1. Verified AMI Connection and Credentials:
  • The wallboard user logs in successfully, and basic AMI commands (e.g., QueueSummary) work.
  1. Enabled AMI Debugging in Asterisk:
  • Generic events like FullyBooted and authentication are logged.
  • Queue-specific events (QueueCallerJoin, etc.) are absent during actual queue activity.
  1. Tested with a Sample Queue (Q1294):
  • Calls placed into the queue appear in the queue show command.
  • Queue members’ phones ring, and calls are answered correctly.
  • However, no AMI events related to the queue are triggered.
  1. Validated AMI Event Settings:
  • Hard set the following options in the configuration file (as they don’t appear configurable in VitalPBX):
    • eventmemberstatus=yes
    • eventwhencalled=yes

Observed Behavior:

  • Expected Events Missing: Queue-specific events like QueueCallerJoin, QueueMemberStatus, etc., are not being logged or sent via AMI.
  • Queue Operations Work: Calls are processed correctly in the queue; members’ phones ring and answer as expected.
  • AMI Connectivity Works: Other basic AMI functions respond successfully.


  1. Is there a known issue with AMI queue-specific events in the current VitalPBX version?
  2. Are there additional configurations (in either VitalPBX or Asterisk) required to enable these events?
  3. Could this issue be related to VitalPBX’s modifications or customizations on top of Asterisk?
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Please don’t create duplicate posts.

I didn’t realize I was in forum jail please remove one

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