Letsencrypt Status 400 (fresh install)

Hi all,

I’ve made a fresh VM with Vital on it from the ISO.

I’ve come to request a Letsencrypt cert but I’ve got the following error and trace pictured below. I’ve checked my DNS and all records are correct. I did have an issue with a PTR record on this particular IP from an old mail server but that has been removed etc. Error is still occurring. Is there anything that I should have done prior to requesting the cert? I’ve not had this issue before on VitalPBX.

Thanks :slight_smile:

1.- Make sure port 80 an 443 is not blocked by the firewall.

2.- If you have installed the GeoFirewall module, do not block the USA, since the let’s Encrypt server needs access to create or renew the certificate and these servers are generally in the USA.

If you cannot enter the interface because the certificate expired and it cannot be renewed, we recommend doing a configuration reset and re-creating the certificate from the interface. For this we use the following command from the console:

vitalpbx --reset-apache-conf

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