Lets Encrypt Cert Type not working

Having a problem that appears mildly similar to a couple of other posts here, but the solutions provided don’t work and the error message is probably different.

VitalPBX firewall is disabled, VPBX is running on a VPS.

Try …

If the FQDN actually resolves to the web server, that should mean it’s pointing to the correct IP right? I am not aware of any DNS issue.

No luck generating the lets encrypt cert after deleting the domain folder; starting again with a fresh install on my VPS.

I used certbot on the VPS command line to generate a cert and added it as a custom cert, so now the vitalpbx http page has a valid SSL cert but the WebRTC server isn’t accessible anymore for some reason, not even by the IP. Is this a known issue or something to do with my config?


Currently viewing the “mini http server” on the HTTP bind address and port times out for port 8089 and port 8088 returns: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Link to view the status page described here: Configuring VitalPBX For WebRTC Clients

looks like: vitalpbx-address:8089/httpstatus
What might be a probable reason for this?

my workaround of using certbot to generate the SSL cert appears to work now, also I installed VPBX 4.5.0-3 on the VPS first, same problem generating the let’s encrypt cert.

This has been addressed in the latest update of VitalPBX 4.5

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