Install VitaPBX4 with static IP


I’m trying to install VitalPBX4, but I cannot give it DHCP IP. Everything is static.
Is there a way to set static IP address during installation?
Installation will not proceed without IP.


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You can follow the steps described in this post: How do I change the IP to static in VitalPBX 4?


Does not apply. I don’t have DHCP. I can’t get to that step.
I figured how to put static IP in during install, but it doesn’t stick. It’s back to DHCP after reboot. When I type yes post installation to install VitalPBX it fails and I do not have option to run installer again.

Try with Debian 11.8 iso.
And then install with VPS script from GitHub.

I ended up doing something similar. I used script from github to install it after I set static IP again.