I18n Korean Issues [MEGA-THREAD]

I can not fix this

i find it but not change. always english

vitalpbx.search =
vitalpbx.pagination.entries =
vitalpbx.pagination.next =
vitalpbx.pagination.previous =

What language are you using?

Hi miguel,

I use korean (ko-kr).


Have you shared your translation in the VitalPBX i18n repo?

HI, miguel

I am working on it. not finished now.
i will share when i finished.

here is some files for test PDF and pagination

vitalpbx.txt (13.7 KB)
repcdr.txt (3.0 KB)

For the CDR table, you don’t need to translate it. The translations are provided in JSON format, so we will add the Korean translations in the next version of VitalPBX.

Hi, miguel

Thanks for reply

now, i got new version

it is perfact working


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I can not fix this

i find it but not change. always english

i am using ko-KR

here is screen shot



i found this, but i can not change to korean

here is screen

www/resources/js/modules/provisioning.js: text: ‘ Add Device’,

how could i chang this?


it is from javascript , how cloud i change it ?

www/resources/js/vendor/33-jquery-ui-multiselect.js: addAll:‘Add all’,

here is screen

Hey @norman_namkoong I moved all your posts to this mega thread.

Please post all your i18n related issues in this topic.

Thank you

Hi PitzKey

Thanks for your help!