Hello every one,
I have issue with vitalPBX, I try to connect SSH using putty but connection failed.
I write
I am using this credentials when login from vmware.
Is there a default username and password for login ssh
Hello every one,
I have issue with vitalPBX, I try to connect SSH using putty but connection failed.
I write
I am using this credentials when login from vmware.
Is there a default username and password for login ssh
Did you create an additional user during the ISO installation?
The Debian systems disable the root login by default. So, you must use the additional user created during the ISO installation.
I create a new user from vmware and assign to it root privileges but when execute any commands that make easily from vmware root user give me command not found
I want allow to new user to execute all commands that root command can execute
I follow this links Grant root privileges for specific user
How assign root privileges for new user in vitalpbx?
To escalate privileges you must execute
sudo su
su -
Great, it’s working thanks for your efforts.
To actually become root you would do;
sudo su -
If you absolutely must login with root via ssh then two things.
root needs a password so while you are root do;
in the sshd service you need to allow root login in
PermitRootLogin yes
Be aware of the risk in doing so.
Nice, that I want.
It worked for me after editing and reboot vitaPBX.