Connect to your server console and run the following command:
[root@vitalpbx ]# vitalpbx reset-pwd {user}
Immediately after, enter the explorer and type the new password.
Sonata Billing
[root@vitalpbx ]# cd /usr/share/billing/
[root@vitalpbx scripts]# php scripts/reset_pwd
Sonata Switchboard
[root@vitalpbx ]# cd /usr/share/switchboard/
[root@vitalpbx scripts]# php scripts/reset_pwd
Sonata Recording
[root@vitalpbx ]# cd /usr/share/recordings/
[root@vitalpbx scripts]# php scripts/reset_pwd
Sonata Stats
[root@vitalpbx ]# cd /usr/share/queues-stats/backend/
[root@vitalpbx backend]# php artisan user:reset-pwd {username}
Sonata Dialer
[root@vitalpbx ]# cd /usr/share/dialer/backend/
[root@vitalpbx backend]# php artisan user:reset-pwd {username}
VitXi WebRTC
[root@vitalpbx ]# cd /usr/share/vitxi/backend/
[root@vitalpbx backend]# php artisan user:reset-pwd {username}