How to park a call from WebRTC

Using Vital PBX 4.1
I attempted to park an incoming call in WebRTC by creating a contact call “park call” that has internal sip number of *4 (my park feature code). When I blind (or attended) xfer to *4, it does not go to the parking lot and just hangs up the call

The asterisk log shows:

– Executing [s@cos-all:10] Gosub(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “sub-lockphone-check,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub-lockphone-check:1] NoOp(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “SUB: LOCK PHONE CHECK”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub-lockphone-check:2] GotoIf(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “1?unlock”) in new stack
– Goto (sub-lockphone-check,s,12)
– Executing [s@sub-lockphone-check:12] Return(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@cos-all:11] Gosub(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “sub-local-dialing,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub-local-dialing:1] NoOp(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “Trying to determine if is a local extension”) in new stack
– Executing [s@sub-local-dialing:2] GotoIf(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “0?:return”) in new stack
– Goto (sub-local-dialing,s,5)
– Executing [s@sub-local-dialing:5] Return(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “”) in new stack
– Executing [s@cos-all:12] GotoIf(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “0?end-call”) in new stack
– Executing [s@cos-all:13] Goto(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “cos-all-post,*4,1”) in new stack
– Goto (cos-all-post,*4,1)
– Executing [*4@cos-all-post:1] NoOp(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “Park Call”) in new stack
– Executing [*4@cos-all-post:2] Set(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=local-call-hangup,s,1”) in new stack
– Executing [*4@cos-all-post:3] Gosub(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “parkcall,s,1”) in new stack
[2024-06-06 12:33:50] ERROR[212704][C-0000000f]: app_stack.c:593 gosub_exec: Gosub attempted to reach non-existent destination ‘parkcall,s,1’ from ‘cos-all-post,*4,3’
== Spawn extension (cos-all-post, *4, 3) exited non-zero on ‘Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2’
– Executing [h@cos-all-post:1] NoOp(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “Hanging Up the Call (Post)”) in new stack
– Executing [h@cos-all-post:2] Hangup(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (cos-all-post, h, 2) exited non-zero on ‘Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2’
– Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2 Internal Gosub(local-call-hangup,s,1) start
– Executing [s@local-call-hangup:1] Verbose(“Local/404@ivr-only-extensions-0000000c;2”, “0, Hangup Local Call”) in new stack

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Well just in case anyone is wondering. I tried to create a contact to do the job and that does not work.
You just open the “in call” kepad and hit *4 (or feature code for call park if you changed the default).
The call is then parked and no call is displayed in WebRTC
Dial the pickup number (e.g. 701) to get the call back from any extension.

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This is because the feature code *4 needs to be sent via DTMF, as it is an “On-Call Feature.” Therefore, you must use the keypad during the active call to perform this action.

If you try to transfer a call to a feature code, you’ll likely encounter an error.