How to install Pico2Wave Text to Speech (TTS) in VitalPBX?

This script makes use of pico2wave translate text to speech service in order to render text to speech and play it back to the user. It supports a variety of different languages.


Perl: The Perl Programming Language
perl-libwww-perl: The World-Wide Web library for Perl
perl-LWP-Protocol-https: For HTTPS support
sox: Sound eXchange, sound processing program


Download the installation script using the following command…


Now, give it execution permission.

chmod +x

Run the script.


Now Dial


You should hear the following sentence

• Play mesage in US English:
This is a simple Vital P B X text to speech test in english.

• Play mesage in GB English:
This is a simple Vital P B X text to speech test in british english.

• Play mesage in German:
Dies ist ein einfacher Vital P B X Text-to-Speech-Test in German.

• Play message in Spanish:
Esta es una prueba simple de texto a voz de Vital P B X en Español.

• Play message in french:
Il s’agit d’un simple test Vital P B X text to speech en french.

• Play message in french:
Questo è un semplice test di sintesi vocale di Vital P B X in italiano.