High CPU Usage when call ring on queue agents

i have 3 vitalpbx servers with arround 80 tenants each, and 1k extensions each. 2 servers are Vital3 and one Vital4

Only on vital4 server when a call go to a queue with 3 or 4 static extensions the cpu go very high when ring on extensions. Its not about big traffic becouse i test it at 04:00 am when no one doing calls… and if put only one extension on queue occours too less severe cpu use. This effect is not observed on vital3 servers.

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Were you able to fix this issue?

This happens to me before.

In my case this happens when ring an extension that isn’t available.
I change the users extensions queue from static to dynamic, That maintains the cpu normal.
But definitely this doesn’t happen with v3 only 4.

Its exact opose situation: when static extension is online cpu go high, extensions offline dont add the effect. Looks like rebooting pbx reduce effect…all tests done when no one using pbx