I have recently set up an external TLS extension on a mobile phone but what i find odd is
that the phone registers fine without having to whitelist the external providers ip range.
Is this normal?
I have recently set up an external TLS extension on a mobile phone but what i find odd is
that the phone registers fine without having to whitelist the external providers ip range.
Is this normal?
Just check the firewall and edit the rule as you like.
Additionally, Fail2Ban is used.
And you can use API Ban.
Good morning mo10,
That’s the thing, the firewall is on and i have my local subnet whitelisted and my sip provider domain name but when i reach from my mobile phone carrier ip lets say for example ip 23.45.67/18 this range i haven’t added in my firewall to allow it and still i get registered. What i have added in the allow section is the port i have added in my TLS bind section.
Is this the reason i am getting through?
Is the firewall port based?
So your PBX is behind NAT or in the cloud?
Because you say you have a local network I think NAT.
You must have forwarded ports for somebody to reach your box from the outside if on NAT.
Correct i do have,
So by allowing the port is enough from the pbx side as i tested, i disable my bind port and lost registration.
Thank you very much
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