Fail2Ban does not list banned IPv6 in the BANLIST!

Hi Dears,

We found a bug in firewall fail2ban addon as banned IP V6 is not appear and that happen with one of our clients that is blocked and his ISP only provide him IPv6 and after tracing and found that he has IPv6 and is not appear in the banned IP address and just worked file after disabling the fail2ban and noticed that the black list just listing the banned IPv4. Does there any solution for such issue? will be there any update to solve this problem?
Do any one have a working commands on ssh to check the banned IPv6 and also commands to unban them?


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At least on VitalPBX 4, there’s no such filter to exclude IPv6 addresses.

About the commands, you can use the ones below.

#View the Jails
fail2ban-client status

#View the banned IP in a specific jail
fail2ban-client status asterisk-vpbx

seems there is and also we can’t add any IP v6 to the Whitelist an IP as appears below:

Also i can’t blacklist it

Also is Vitalpbx can’t detect and catch IPv6 that is trying to and show them in the “BLACKLIST IP ADDRESSES” ? or it is have an immunized way to not allow any attack from hacker who uses Ipv6 and not show any blocked IP with IP v6? or Hackers use IPv4 only to target PBX servers?
For reference, I faced that issue that one of my clients who is ISP only provide IPv6 get blocked due to wrong registration data and after correcting the registration data he wasn’t even able to register or access the GUI until I stopped the fail2ban.

Note that: the client ip address wasn’t appear in the blacklisted IP tab (Firewall Access Control) and wasn’t able to add its IP address to the whitelisted IP tab to solve this issue.

Hi miguel,

Any update on vitalpbx firewall doesn’t ban or whitelist IP address of ipV6?
and when it will support IPv6?
