Error trying to update device in the Provisioning Module

VitalPBX: 4.1.0-2
Provisioning: 4.0.2-4

Setup of this server was done via backup restore as its a migration from a v3 server. After trying to update one of the devices DSS keys in the provisioning models, the server is throwing the error


I tried deleting the device to edit it again, but it once again throws the same error "Already exists another device with the same MAC address.

Checking the provisioning database directly, I dont see the MAC address listed in the devices table at all, so not sure why the error is showing.

I think they have just fixed this, I had the same issue and on a remote session they ran the update command again and it downloaded a new version of the provisioning thing and it fixed it.

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Yup, just updated the provisioning core and the error is now gone.

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