Hi all.
I am trying VitalPBX with Digital Ocean.
Basic setup worked great. Then I added a Reserved IP to my Droplet, and changed the PJSIP Technology from to the Reserved IP.
At this point, my Flowroute trunk registration did not work anymore, nor my SIP Extensions.
When the droplet goes to the internet, it use its own public IP (not the reserved)
The reserved acts like an alias. I am doing this in case the Droplet crashes, and/or if I need to spin a new one quickly - which will then get a new public IP Address. By using a Reserved IP Address, I am guaranteeing that I can keep use the Reserved IP and point it to a new droplet if needed (my clients would use a FQDN linked to the reserved IP).
Do I need to change anything else in order to make this work? Did I forget something anywhere?