CPU Overconsumption

Hi team,

We have recently installed VitalPBX 4 on a VPC (DigitalOcean) in order to test the functionalities. Somehow the VCPU is spiking to 100% and stays at that level when there is only 1 extension created and no calls made. Specification indicates that minimum requirement can support up to 12 concurrent calls and 50 extensions. which doesn’t seems to be the case.

VPC Spec

DigitalOcean VM with CPU Optimized
4 GB RAM, 2 VCPU, 25 GB Storage
Desbian 11.x version

Uploading: image.png…

VitalPBX Info

1 Extension registered
Memory Usage at 71.78%
CPU usage at 100%
VitalPBX version is 4.1.0-8

Please advise what is causing this unsual high consumption

You could enter the Linux console and send the image that displays the command:


Here is the process related to command named 7

Here we go!

Try again with a new sever. Maybe a different location. Use Intel instead of AMD or vise versa.

Here are some observations that could be affecting the server’s performance:

  1. High CPU Usage by Process 628384 (root): This process is consuming 199% of the CPU, which indicates it is utilizing a lot of resources. On systems with multiple cores, values above 100% are possible, meaning the process is using more than one CPU core. It’s important to investigate what this process (related to /proc/627738/fd/7) is doing to determine if it’s essential or if there’s a resource leak.
  2. asterisk Process (PID 1041): This process is using 1.0% of the CPU and 2.5% of the memory, indicating it’s performing important operations but is not the primary cause of the high CPU load.
  3. python3 Process Related to fail2ban (PID 663): This process is consuming a significant portion of memory (3.8%) but has low CPU usage. Fail2ban is generally used to prevent brute-force attacks, so it may be necessary, though its resource consumption should be monitored to ensure it operates efficiently.
  4. Memory Usage: Of the 3919 MB of available memory, only 202.6 MB is free, meaning most of the memory is in use. While part of it is occupied by cache (847 MB), the actual free memory is low, which could impact performance if the workload increases.

Possible Recommendations:

  • Investigate process 628384, as it’s consuming an extremely high amount of CPU. It could be related to a resource-intensive operation or a mismanaged process.
  • Check if the server needs more RAM or if some processes are inefficiently consuming too many resources.
  • Monitor the asterisk and fail2ban processes to ensure they are functioning correctly without overusing system resources.

The high CPU consumption, particularly by process 628384, seems to be the main factor affecting server performance.

As @mo10 says, we recommend using a different instance since it seems to be associated with the instance and not with VitalPBX.

Hi Mo10 & admin,

Stangely enough, it seems to be the VM configuration shape (we created and destroyed the VM many times before opening this thread). We spinned off 3 VM with 3 different VCPU (AMD / Intel) on 2 different sites (US & Canada) and replicating the same configuration as our problematic VM and everything seems stable for the past 48 hours. All new VM uses less than 5% of the processor.

We will monitor it a little longer and will update this thread if it still overconsume the CPU

Thank yo all for your help!

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