Configuring VitalPBX with free account Google voice

I was not able to find how to configure VitalPBX and google voice.

Can anyone point me to the right direction.

Hi Heron, it is not possible to use Google Voice as a gateway within VitalPBX.

Hey PitzKey,

Do you know why? Is this a technological constraint?
Is google voice using any kind of proprietary technology?
I am asking this because in the past we were able to make it work.

There is ATA on amazon : Obihai OBi200 1-Port VoIP Phone Adapter with Google Voice
Maybe using this ATA with asterisk would be possible?

Why is this needed? There are so many voip providers out there.

7 years ago someone did it like this

Google Voice does not support direct SIP connections.

Yes, 5 years ago, when they were still supporting XMPP connections, they no longer allow that.

Yes, you can essentially use the OBI as a gateway for VitalPBX and configure the OBI to use Google Voice as the gateway.

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