Hello! Wondering if anyone has any instruction they could provide for setting up voicemail transcription based on the new release of 4.1.0 R8 - seen in the change log: Voicemail transcription using OpenAI is now available. You can select an AI API key in the Voicemail Settings.
I have not been able to find recent instructions on this. Thanks.
Thank you for adding the essential steps of
1- adding the AI addon
2- entering the key in the new “AI API KEYS” tab
3- Refreshing the settings
that was missing from your blog post about the latest update.
The blog post about the update did not mention these critial informations or steps to be performed, causing our end users to call our technical support, leading us to create a support ticket with VitalPBX and a couple of forum posts.
I would like to suggest that a prominent warning message for all future similar “fonctionality breaking changes” be displayed to let us know BEFORE we do the update. Especially if it requires an immediate action after or before the upgrade.
Thank you for your consideration and the great work on keeping VitalPBX a pleasant and productive system.