Codec Opus on Vitxi+ (playstore) + android not working

Hi sir,

I tried to install Vitxi + on an android smartphone. in the settings menu I just set the codec “opus”.

I have also set the “opus” codec on vitalpbx.

When I try to make a call the error “488 Not Accepted Here” appears.

Next question : What is the function of “VitalPBX HTTP Port”?

What is your opinion about this?

Try enabling these codecs, check in settings/PJSIP Settings/ that the codecs are selected: opus, ulaw, alaw, VP8, VP9, h264.

Hi Sir,

it still not working, codec have been set opus,ulaw, alaw on pjsip. But if i set codec alaw,ulaw on softphone vitxi+ it working, but we wish using codec opus working on vitxi+, because it low bandwidh and good quality.

Can you test on your internal? why it not working?

Hi Sir,

How about your testing, i just want to know , this issue on your side or my side?
