A number of my tenants have been complaining about their IVR recordings sounding choppy or digitized. The issue is intermittent, and each time you call and listen, the choppiness appears in different places. I attempted to save the files as MP3 and WAV (u-law encoded), but there was no change.
Any thoughts?
Also, what is the preferred audio file type for recordings and MOH?
I also facing that with my clients IVR and thought that was a server usage but I double checked it now while monitoring the CPU and found that my server cpu usage is very low about 27% and the choppy voice happens. that wasn’t happen with my previous multi-tenant system before migrating to Vitalpbx multitenant. Also, when using vitxi for making calls to number have IVR or receiving an OTP call, the first 2 or 3 seconds from the beginning are like to be skipped or and you can hear after that but when using microsip , you hear the IVR from the beginning normally. Please let us know if there is any modifications need to be done on the audio file before uploading it or the IVR audio player need to be enhanced to avoid such choppy sound in the IVR. plus the issue of vixit not hearing IVRs from the beginning seems need some work on it.
Use the announcement module and use the same audio as in the IVR.
After the announcement use the IVR with the audio.
Maybe then another test with directly to the IVR?
Is there a way for you to share a call recording like this?
Is there a difference in the Log when those files are played?
I had experienced the choppy audio before and found it to be a resource issue. This was on a hyper-V server. The server itself didn’t indicate any resource issues. I went ahead and gave it more ram and extra processor anyway and it made a big difference.