Check Time database

Good morning, on my server is the correct server clock, mysql clock , and cdr csv clock. The problem is when the query to the mysql table is 7 hours late. I try to make a call 2021-09-26 07:40:00

[root@xxx~]# mysql -Bse "select NOW();" && echo "SYSTEM_TIME = "`date` && php -\nr "echo 'PHP_TIME = '. date('Y-m-d H:i:s');" && echo ""
2021-09-26 07:41:22
SYSTEM_TIME = Sun Sep 26 07:41:22 WIB 2021
PHP_TIME = 2021-09-26 00:41:22

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;
| @@global.time_zone | @@session.time_zone |
| +07:00             | +07:00              |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

[root@xxx~]# mysql -Bse “select max(calldate) from asterisk.cdr”
2021-09-26 00:40:09


"2021-09-26 07:40:09",""""" <16326168096>","101","16326168096","97898987111","97898987111","cos-all","PJSIP/T2101-00000004","PJSIP/T3_sipcp-00000005","Dial","PJSIP/7898987111@sipcp,90,ktU(sub-call-recording^800ab539c17a1f57^101^789898","34","32","ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION","","","","","1632616809.6","1632616809.6",4,"",3,"/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/800ab539c17a1f57/2021/09/26/074011-OUT-NONE-101-97898987111-1632616809.7.wav","vn","1","",""

How to make the watch insert time to table asterisk.cdr follow the server os clock?


You should use UNIX time and then convert it to your timezone. The uniqueid field contains the timestamp in UNIX format.

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