Call Mobile or External Number When All Extensions Are Unregistered


Wanted to check if this feature is already available or if there is a way so that a mobile or another external number is called when all extensions are unregistered/offline.

Basically in the event that say an internet outage occurs and all extensions can’t register that incoming calls automatically switch to call a mobile number or an external number and then when the extensions are online again it switches back to ringing like normal instead of the mobile/external number.

In our setup the PBX is running on a cloud server so isn’t located at the same site as all the phones.

What is your current call flow?


Inbound Routes → IVR → Queues

Is inbound route > Ring Group > Extensions > Voicemail

Custom context comes to my mind as final destination.
What is your default ring time?
Ring roup:
Set skip busy agents.
Let’s say if the ring time is less then 5 seconds make a call to an external number. Otherwise go to voicemail.

DumpChan() will help you.

Or beginn with a custom context and check on all extension status. If all offline, do your external call. If not all offline goto ring group.

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