We have been testing the Call Analysis Report feature and we love it!
I set this category to Wish List, but it also contains some bugs
Here are our findings which we think will be super helpful!
1) Call Information In Email Report
Right now, the email report does not include the call information, such as:
- Caller
- Callee
- Date/Time
- Direction
- Call Center Call?
We would love to have these as variables so we can include it in the email.
2) Long calls - OpenAI Rate limits and Email File Size Limits
I tested generating the analyses on a 20 minute call.
- With OpenAI tier1, it just gave me an API error in VitalPBX. Assuming because of tier1’s rate limit.
- With OpenAI tier2, it was able to generate the transcription in the CDR page, but it never sent the email. It said that the email was successfully sent, but it actually wasn’t sent. Looking at the mail logs, the audio file was too large to be sent (
For the first issue: I guess you should give a warning when using tier1, or perhaps break it up in batches.
For the second issue: I would suggest trying to convert the file to MP3, or perhaps not include it and just include a HTTP link to the recording on the PBX (with authentication!)
3) Cashing
It would be super helpful to cache the transcriptions and reports that have already been generated. Obviously, we should be able to delete these cached items with the maintenance module.
4) Sonata Stats Generate.
It would be super helpful if you can allow generating these reports in the Sonata Stats module.
5) Call Sentiments Reports
For managers, this is probably the most helpful part of the report. We would love to be able to create filters in Sonata Stats or Sonata Recordings based on Sentiments percentages for calls that were already analyzed.
6) Auto Analyze Calls
We would love to be able to set different conditions to auto generate the analyses reports.
For example, be able to enable based on:
- Queue
- Extension(s)
- Inbound Route
- Global
Of course, we should be able which should just be generated and which should be sent via email as well.
If you allow to enable auto analyses, then #5 will work best when auto enabled.
Thank you for your hard work!