I’m new to VitalPBX. I purchased the package and set everything up smoothly, but I’m facing an issue with the iOS app.
I’m using Linphone, and while the Android version works correctly, the iOS version has a problem. When the app is open, it works fine, but if I close the app, calls do not come through.
I’ve checked many online threads, but I haven’t found a solution. Could you please help me resolve this issue?
The free softphone apps not just linphone on both Android and iOS are really not the best if you expect to receive inbound calls this is due to the way mobile operating systems work. They dont really like apps running in the background all the time due to the high power consumption of them so they kill the apps in the background. If the softphone doens’t have an active registration to the server it wont receive inbound calls until you open it again. Android does allow you to force the apps to run in the background so it does work a bit better but power consumption on your cellphone will be very big.
For cellphones, apps which use push notifications to wake up the app when an inbound call is incoming are your best choice and since push notfications like this have a cost you will need paid solutions for this. Vital has their own paid app Vitalpbx Connect and you can find other apps like Acrobits Groundwire which work quite well but are also paid apps.