Amazon Chime Trunk Issue

I am very new to VitalPBX and Amazon Chime Voice Connector. I had setup Chime Connector on 3cx and Free PBX with no issues but on VitalPBX I cant call.

I am getting this error:

[2023-12-17 20:37:31] ERROR[35747] res_pjsip_session.c: Endpoint ‘b12wdusngv5bghavhpigwf’: No URI available. Is endpoint registered?
[2023-12-17 20:37:31] ERROR[35747] chan_pjsip.c: Failed to create outgoing session to endpoint ‘b12wdusngv5bghavhpigwf’

I am getting from this that the local username is not right but I cannot figure out what to use. Amazon provides no username. I have tried the ID, admin, created credentials in the voice connector settings and nothing works. The endpoint changes each time but it fails. I want to use IP authentication so I have deleted the credentials.

Anyone know what I put in for Local Username?

Please send a screenshot of your trunk settings

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